The Ugly Christmas Sweater: How to look “in” wearing it

The smell of Christmas is already in the environment, and you probably have an ugly sweater of Christmas motifs hidden in the depths of your drawer. Maybe, it is considered as an ally for the Christmas spirit, but a strong enemy to fashion. However, there are good news: they can be worn for a stylish look during these holidays. Let’s take a look at these tips.

  1. Add leather clothes like jackets and skirts for a sexy and warm look.

2. Add shinning clothes like shorts and skirts combined with pantyhose for a daring look.

3. Add a woolen cap and knee-high socks under a suede midi-flared skirt for a cozy and cool look.

4. Add a long-sleeve shirt under the sweater for a chic look.

5. Add a hat and jeans for an urban look.

6. Add suede shoes and denim for a supertrendy style.

7. Add black & white accessories for a more sophisticated style.

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